What Is a GMRS License and How Can I Get One?

- "Immediate family" includes: Licensee's spouse, children, grandchildren, stepchildren, parents, grandparents, stepparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and in-laws! (you can use "Unit 1", "Unit 2", etc. to identify multiple stations)
Step-by-Step Instructions for Obtaining a GMRS License Online:
You can obtain an FCC-issued GMRS license for your family online in a matter of minutes! First, lets check our eligibility:
The GMRS license must be:
18 year or older
Not be a representative of a foreign government
Applying on you and your families behalf (a business can not apply for a blanket GMRS license, but individuals can use the radios for work)
Step one: Obtain an FRN number
Start by obtaining a 10-digit FRN (FCC Registered Number) from the Commission Registration System (CORES). We recommend completing this process on a computer (the buttons are quite small using a mobile device).
Click “Register” (middle of the three boxes) and set up your account
We recommend using an email account that you’ll have access to permanently (ie: not a school or work email address that you might lose access at some point).
Once you've created your account, log in using the email address (username) and password you just set up.
Select “Register FRN” from the central box (third option from top)
Follow the steps to confirm yourself as an individual, complete the FRN registration form, then press submit.
Note: you will need to input your social security number or a tax identification number at this step
You will receive your 10 digit FRN number after submitting at the top of the landing page.
Step Two: Apply for your GMRS license
Once you’ve obtained your FRN, you can apply for a GMRS License in the FCC’s License Manager.
You will need your FRN number and the password created for the CORES website to login.
Once logged in, you will see an option at the top of the left-hand sidebar to “Apply for a new license"
In the dropdown, scroll all the way to the bottom to “ZA - General Mobile Radio”, then click "Continue"
Follow the rest of the application. There will be questions to answer with dropdown menus and a page for you to enter your contact information. You will then arrive at the Summary page. Click "Continue to Certify" if everything looks correct.
- Next you will be asked to sign by entering your first name, middle initial, and last name. The "Title" field is optional.
- Once you have successfully submitted your application, click the button to Continue to CORES website for payment completion.
Log back into CORES using the email address & password from step 4 then select the second option from the menu titled “Manage Existing FRNs | FRN Financial | Bills and Fees “
Then select the second option “FRN Financial” then “View/Make Payments” under the Action column.
Finally, select “Make Payment” and follow the instructions.
Once payment has been made, you’re finished with the process!
Once you receive your call sign, remember to keep it handy! Consider committing it to memory or printing it out to have it easily accessible.
If you have any questions about the license application or need assistance in the process, you can absolutely contact the FCC at 1-888-CALLFCC or submit a request for help through the FCC Licensing Help Center. TheFCC Help Desk can also be helpful if you get stuck!
FCC Rules for GMRS:
All the rules and regulations set out by the FCC for operating a GMRS radio can be found in Title 47, Part 95, Subpart E of the Code of Federal Regulations. A few rules to briefly mention are:
- If an authorized FCC representative requests to inspect a GMRS station, the operator must make the station and any station records available for inspection.
- GMRS stations must not communicate:
- Messages in connection with any activity which is against Federal, State, or local law
- False or deceptive messages
- Coded messages or messages with hidden meanings (“10 codes” are permissible I.e. "10-4" means "OK")
- Music, whistling, sound effects or material to amuse or entertain
- Advertisements or offers for the sale of goods or services
- Advertisements for a political candidate or political campaign (messages about the campaign business may be communicated)
- International distress signals, such as the word “Mayday” (except when on a ship, aircraft or other vehicle in immediate danger to ask for help)
- Messages which are both conveyed by a wireline control link and transmitted by a GMRS station
- Messages (except emergency messages) to any station in the Amateur Radio Service, to any unauthorized station, or to any foreign station
- Continuous or uninterrupted transmissions, except for communications involving the immediate safety of life or property
- Messages for public address systems
- Each GMRS station must be identified by transmission of its FCC-assigned call sign at the end of transmissions and at periodic intervals (every 15 min) during transmissions.
We hope this helps you get your GMRS license and if there are any questions about the process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our team at support@rockytalkie.com.

May 24, 2024
I fought this website 4 times and this was as easy as it gets getting through the form and drop downs very helpful I am glad I found he site.